Dr. Miriyev on Media (partial list)

Dr. Miriyev on Media (partial list)

Journal Publications

Sergey Nechausov, Aslan Miriyev, “3D-Printable high-mixed-conductivity ionogel composites for soft multifunctional devices,” Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 496, 2024, 153759.
David Häusermann, Sam Bodry, Fabian Wiesemüller, Aslan Miriyev, Severin Siegrist, Fan Fu, Sabyasachi Gaan, Matthias M. Koebel, Wim J. Malfait, Shanyu Zhao, Mirko Kovač, “FireDrone: Multi-Environment Thermally Agnostic Aerial Robot”, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023, 2300101.
Inside front cover: Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2023.
Sarab Sethi, Mirko Kovac, Fabian Wiesemüller, Aslan Miriyev, Clementine Boutry, “Biodegradable sensors are ready to transform autonomous ecological monitoring”, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2022.
Sergey Nechausov, Anna Ivanchenko, Oleg Morozov, Aslan Miriyev, Indrek Must, Oskars Platnieks, Maksims Jurinovs, Sergejs Gaidukovs, Alvo Aabloo, Mirko Kovač, Boris Bulgakov, “Effects of ionic liquids and dual curing on vat photopolymerization process and properties of 3d-printed ionogels”, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 56, 2022, 102895.
Fabian Wiesemüller, Crystal Winston, Alexandre Poulin, Xavier Aeby, Aslan Miriyev, Thomas Geiger, Gustav Nystrӧm, Mirko Kovac, “Self-sensing cellulose structures with design-controlled stiffness”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Volume 6, Issue 2, 2021, 4017-4024.
Aslan Miriyev, Mirko Kovac, “Skills for Physical Artificial Intelligence“, Nature Machine Intelligence,
2020, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 658-660 .
Front cover: Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2020.
Boxi Xia*, Aslan Miriyev*, Cesar Trujillo, Neil Chen, Mark Cartolano, Shivaniprashant Vartak, Hod Lipson, “Improving the actuation speed and multi-cyclic actuation characteristics of silicone/ethanol soft actuators“, Actuators, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2020, 62 (* co-first authors).
Front cover: Volume 6, Issue 6, September 2020.
Aslan Miriyev, Boxi Xia, Jacob Carroll Joseph, Hod Lipson, “Additive Manufacturing of Silicone Composites for Soft Actuation“, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 6(6), 2019.
Front cover: Volume 9, Issue 3, December 2019.
Aslan Miriyev, “A Focus on Soft Actuation”, Actuators, 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4, 74 (editorial).
Mark Cartolano, Boxi Xia, Aslan Miriyev, Hod Lipson, “Conductive Fabric Heaters for Soft Actuators”, Actuators, 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1, 9.
Aslan Miriyev, Cesar Trujillo, Gabriela Caires, Hod Lipson, "Rejuvenation of soft material-actuator", MRS Communications, 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 556-561.
Aslan Miriyev, Gabriela Caires, Hod Lipson, "Functional properties of silicone/ethanol soft-actuator composites", Materials & Design, Volume 145, 2018, Pages 232-242.
Asaf Levy, Aslan Miriyev, Niyanth Sridharan, Tianyang Han, Eran Tuval, Sudarsanam Suresh Babu, Marcelo Dapino, Nachum Frage, “Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing of Steel: Method, Post-processing Treatments and Properties”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 256, 2018, Pages 183-189.
Aslan Miriyev, Kenneth Stack, Hod Lipson, "Soft material for soft actuators", Nature Communications,
8:596, 2017.
Asaf Levy, Aslan Miriyev, Amy Elliott, Sudarsanam Suresh Babu, Nachum Frage,
“Additive manufacturing of complex-shaped graded TiC/steel composites”,
Materials & Design, Volume 118, 2017, Pages 198–203.
Aslan Miriyev, Steffen Grützner, Lutz Krüger, Sergey Kalabukhov, Nachum Frage, “Bonding of TRIP-steel/Al2O3‑(3Y)-TZP composites and (3Y)-TZP ceramic by a spark plasma sintering (SPS) apparatus”, Materials, Volume 9, Issue 7, 2016, Article 558, Pages 1-11.
Aslan Miriyev, Asaf Levy, Sergey Kalabukhov, Nachum Frage, “Interface evolution and shear strength of Al/Ti bi-metals processed by a spark plasma sintering (SPS) apparatus", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 678, 2016, Pages 329-336.
Paul J. Wolcott, Niyanth Sridharan, Sudarsanam S. Babu, Aslan Miriyev, Nachum Frage, Marcelo J. Dapino, “Characterisation of Al-Ti Dissimilar Material Joints Fabricated Using Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing”, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 114-123.
Aslan Miriyev, David Barlam, Roni Shneck, Adin Stern, Nachum Frage, “Steel to titanium solid state joining displaying superior mechanical properties”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 2884-2890.
Aslan Miriyev, Michael Sinder, Nachum Frage, “Thermal stability and growth kinetics of the interfacial TiC layer in the Ti alloy/carbon steel system”, Acta Materialia, Volume 75, 2014, Pages 348-355.
Idan Rosenthal, Aslan Miriyev, Eran Tuval, Adin Stern, Nachum Frage, “Characterization of the explosion-bonded Ti-alloy/steel plate with Ni interlayer”, Metallography, Microstructure and Analysis, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 97-103.
Aslan Miriyev, Adin Stern, Eran Tuval, Sergey Kalabukhov, Zvi Hooper, Nachum Frage, “Titanium to steel joining by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technology”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 213, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 161-166.

Conference Proceedings

Fabian Wiesemüller, Aslan Miriyev, Mirko Kovac, "Zero-footprint eco-robotics: A new perspective on biodegradable robots", IEEE 2021 Aerial Robotic Systems Physically Interacting with the Environment AIRPHARO (Biograd na Moru, Croatia), 2021.
Fabian Wiesemüller, Crystal Winston, Alexandre Poulin, Xavier Aeby, Aslan Miriyev, Thomas Geiger, Gustav Nystrӧm, Mirko Kovac, "Self-sensing cellulose structures with design-controlled stiffness", IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics RoboSoft 2021 (Online, hosted by Yale University), 2021, Accepted.
R. Adam Bilodeau*, Aslan Miriyev*, Hod Lipson, Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio, "All-Soft Material System for Strong Soft Actuators", IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics 2018 (Livorno, Italy), 2018 (* co-first authors).
Aslan Miriyev, Asaf Levy, Sergey Kalabukhov, Nachum Frage, "Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing of Dissimilar Material Systems: Method, Post-processing and Properties", Proceedings of Fraunhofer DDMC 2016 Conference (Berlin, Germany), 2016.
Aslan Miriyev, Sergey Kalabukhov, Eran Tuval, Adin Stern, Nachum Frage, “On the role of TiC in the carbon steel-titanium interaction”, Advances in Science and Technology, Volume 88- Proceedings of 13th International Ceramics Congress- CIMTEC 2014 (Montecatini Terme, Italy), 2014, Pages 131-138.
Aslan Miriyev, Sergey Kalabukhov, Eran Tuval, Adin Stern, Nachum Frage, “Titanium to steel diffusion bonding using Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) technique”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference- Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding- LÖT2013 (Aachen, Germany), 2013, Pages 295-299.
Aslan Miriyev, Sergey Kalabukhov, Eran Tuval, Adin Stern, Nachum Frage, “Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) welding of Ti-6Al-4V to AISI 4330 steel”, Proceedings of Eurojoin 8 Conference (Pula, Croatia), 2012.
White Papers

S. Pringle, et al., (2023). "Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity", Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability. EPSRC UK-RAS Network. doi: 10.31256/WP2023.4. ISSN: 2398-4422 (Online), ISSN 2398-4414.

"Vapor pressure solid articles and methods for making and using the same," U.S. Patent No. 10,677,228, June 9, 2020.